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Meet Leo

About Leo

- 14 years old

- 9th grade

- Diligently meditating for over 2 years

Can you share how meditation has been going for you?

"When I first started meditation, it was more like something that I had to do. Like going to classes everyday. I had meditation class almost every day for an hour. It would get annoying sometimes to be honest and I wouldn't want to meditate. But now, I'm glad I kept going.

Before I started meditation, my emotions were a lot of anger, frustration, worry, scared, and confused. I realized that the anger I had started after my mom died. I had a lot of nightmares and was really afraid of dying. I had a lot of anxiety and was always overthinking about what happens after we're gone.

I passed the first level of meditation and something clicked. Then I actually began wanting to go to meditation. I started passing through the levels and my emotions started becoming less worried or angry. I was feeling more joy and happiness. Meditation taught me to use my panic and sadness and welcome it to help me grow.

Now that I'm finished with the 7 levels, I can say life is good. I am happy! Of course a life with joy also needs anger and sadness but that isn't a bad thing. I just let go of all of it--even happiness-- so I can be friends with my emotions and live life the way I want."

Many people may experience difficult times in life and are looking for at outlet. Leo has gone through a lot from a young age and has found peace through meditation. If you would like to learn how you can also achieve this, book a session today!

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